© Table Tennis Rother (2024)

Skills Awards Scheme

Table Tennis the Way You Like It
Table Tennis Rother have developed a number of skills awards to engage our junior players. The awards progressively develop players skills through 6 stages, bronze, silver, gold, platinum , diamond and emerald. Players just starting out will commence with the bronze level which equips them with the very basic skills in table tennis. Players taking the platinum or higher awards will be quite accomplished players. The awards were introduced in September 2015 and have proved a great hit with all our young players, although some not so young players have expressed an interest! . All players completing an award are presented with a certificate to mark the occassion. Presentations are usually made during sessions but on many occassions they can also be presented at school in a special celebration assembly. T To date we have presented 100’s of certificates at various levels although no one has yet completed the newer Emerald Award, Any young person who attends one of our school or community sessions is automatically enroled on the scheme at the appropriate level at the time they join.
