© Table Tennis Rother (2024)

Childrens & Young Peoples Academy

Table Tennis the Way You Like It

Table Tennis Rother is launching its very own Childrens & Young Peoples Table

Tennis Acadenmy The idea is to provide an opportunity for encourage young

players to try out different aspects of the sport from playing, improving their

skills as well as officiating and leadership.

The course will be divided into a number of levels with certificates awarded as each level is completed. Once all levels are completed the young players will ‘Graduate’ and be awarded a special certificate. The idea came from out head coaches expereinces as a centre manager and tutor for the East Sussex Childrens University which ran serveral years ago. Our Table Tennis University for children and young people is very similar but covers all aspects of the sport. Each level is a mixture of our current awards so fits in nicely with our current delivery. The higher levels include elements of Table Tennis Englands own awards including the Junior Umpires Awards and Young Ambassadors Award, The Course will initially launch with 3 levels but a 4th is planned for the future. Players progress at their own speed so there is no time limit or pressure. Further details can be found here.
