© Table Tennis Rother (2024)

Ratton Academy Development Project

Table Tennis the Way You Like It
Our one year. Sport England funded, Table Tennis Development Project saw an investment of over £10,000 of lottery investment plus some funding from the school itself. The project provided the opportunity for students from within Ratton and the winder community to attend an out of school session organised by an experienced and qualified coach. In addition a number of one day events were offered over the year which provided some holiday activity. As well as the tradition indoor provision an area was located in the school grounds for he location of a number of outdoor tables providing opportunities for students to have a relaxing game durring school lunch breaks. In addtion to covering costs of the sessions the grant provided for a number of indoor and outdoor tables, a training robot as well as a good supply of suitable bats and balls. This project has now been completed and hopefully it leaves a legacy for the school of the future development of the sport. Table Tennis Rother is always interested in hearing from other schools and organisations wishing to develop the sport. If your school is interested in exploring a short or long term project we may be able to help. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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This Project has ended
